Welcome to Our Store

We are a unique New Age Gift Shop that will provide tools to heal your Mind, Body, and Soul.

We are calling this a #selfLOVEmovement

We have a wide variety of metaphysical and holistic items gift items like Crystals, Candles, Aroma Therapy items, Books, Jewelry,  Build your own gift baskets and more or combine any of our holistic products with your Meditation practice or our Boot Camp workshops and classes to
add to the overall vibration of your personal healing and maintain and improve your journey home.

"Buddha was asked, What have you gained from Meditation? He replied, Nothing! However, Buddha said, let me tell you what I lost: Anger, Anxiety, Depression, Insecurity, Fear of Old age and Death".

It is our plan to raise the consciousness of the planet through our customers. One thought, One idea, One person, One community, One city, One state, One country, One continent, One planet (this planet) a time, as the UNIVERSE begins with a single thought. We believe the only way to find true liberation is to seek within and take the journey of finding self-confidence, and self love for yourself. 

On that note...
Are you ready for an ultimate mind life changing Boot camp through exploring your own thoughts and finding inner peace?

The Truth is we have all been called to serve the planet and serve one another in some way. That IS our divine purpose. Whether that be being a wonderful parent, a student, a veteran in the military, a fireman, a cashier at a local market, a school teacher, and so on, we are all here to do the best we can in all we do and with purpose to love yourself and show love to others.


Experience DoTerra Essential Oils

And we're very excited to share it with you
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